(1) Anyone over 18 years old with full civil capacity can become a member of the company. The conditions for becoming an agent are a minimum payment value of $10,000 for product orders, prior product usage, and full product knowledge. The conditions for becoming a master agent are a minimum payment value of $15,000 for product orders, prior product usage, and full product knowledge.

(2) Members, as agents and master agents, have the right to promote and sell the company's products and services, as well as recruit others to become agent members within the contract period, and are subject to related obligations.

(3) Any business entity operating in accordance with legal regulations may register as a member of the company through the introduction of an existing member by submitting a business license and the information of the responsible person for registration. In addition, this business entity must comply with the following regulations:

1. Each participant in the business entity must be a legal citizen of their country or have legal residency and legal business operation rights, and must be able to provide relevant certification documents to the company.

2. Bonuses will be distributed to the business entity's bank account, and the business entity is responsible for income tax and related expenses, as well as profit sharing within the Mona Beauties company, with no legal liability incurred in this regard.

(4) Rules that members must adhere to include:

1. Not using the company's brand images, not promoting, selling products or services, or referring others for fraudulent purposes, avoiding exaggeration and harm to consumers.

2. Not engaging in sales activities, marketing methods that violate Market Management Law, criminal law, or other laws and regulations.